The McGregor Memorial Conference Center is an office building located at 495 Ferry Mall, on the campus of Wayne State University in Midtown…
Wayne County Community College District is a public community college district with its headquarters in Detroit, Michigan.
The Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, located on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan,…
密歇根大学迪尔伯恩分校 ,位于美国密歇根州迪尔伯恩市,是一所成立于1959年的公立大学。此校是密歇根大学董事会辖下、独立运作的一所区域性大学,无论在管理、财政、学术及学位认证上,皆与自行独立运作,与密歇根大学弗林特分校相类似。
Old Main is an academic building on the campus of Wayne State University.
Purdy-Kresge Library is a library on the main campus of Wayne State University and is the main research library for the social sciences,…
David Adamany Undergraduate Library is one of Wayne State University’s largest libraries built in 1997 named after the university's 8th…