A charming street notable for the fact that each Lithuanian writer or artist has an artwork mounted on the wall representing their life.
特拉凯岛城堡 是一座位于立陶宛特拉凯Galvė湖中一座岛上的城堡。这座石头结构的城堡是14世纪由科斯图提斯公爵兴建的,到大约1409年,科斯图提斯的儿子维陶塔斯大帝时期,整个工程的主要部分已经完工。1430年,维陶塔斯本人逝世于这座城堡内。
格迪米纳斯塔 是位于立陶宛维尔纽斯的一座塔,曾是维尔纽斯城堡中上城堡的一部分,也是上城堡唯一的现存建筑。城堡始建于12世纪,14世纪时改为砖砌城堡。格迪米纳斯塔是立陶宛和维尔纽斯的象征之一。在1988年10月7日立陶宛民族主义高扬时,曾在这里挂出立陶宛在战间期独立时的国旗。
The Vilnius city wall was a defensive wall around Vilnius, capital city of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
This museum adds to the cultural and intellectual city life as it organizes various exhibitions and events for public.
Europos Parkas is a 50-hectare open-air museum located 17 km from Vilnius, Lithuania.