圣血圣殿 是一座罗马天主教的宗座圣殿,位于比利时城市布鲁日。最初兴建于12世纪,作为弗兰德伯爵宫殿的小堂,这座教堂收藏有亚利马太的若瑟收集的圣血遗物,由弗兰德伯爵阿尔萨斯的蒂耶德里克从圣地带回。兴建于1134年到1157年,1923年升格为次级宗座圣殿。
The Count's Chapel is a medieval chapel in Kortrijk, Belgium. It is located next to the Church of Our Lady.
圣雅各伯堂 是一座天主教教堂,位于比利时城市布鲁日。教堂始建于1240年,1459年大大扩展,以配合布鲁日的发展,和日益富裕。该堂由勃艮第公爵赞助。 在17世纪晚期和18世纪初,教堂的内部改造为现在的巴洛克风格。
The Church of Our Lady is a former collegiate church located in the centre of Kortrijk, Belgium.
Saint Martin's Church is the main Roman Catholic church and one of the principal Gothic monuments of Kortrijk, West Flanders, Belgium.
Ten Putte Abbey is a monastery with an abbey in Gistel, roughly 8 km to the south of Ostend, in the western part of Belgium.