华威城堡 ,是一座位于英国沃里克郡的首邑沃里克的中世纪风格古堡。坐落于断崖边,俯瞰著雅芳河的转弯处。华威城堡是由征服者威廉于1068年所建,属于或邻接着沃里克的盎格鲁撒克逊山丘堡垒 。华威城堡原本是用来作为筑城,直到十七世纪初弗路克·格雷维爵士 将其改作乡间别墅…
Shakespeare's Birthplace is a restored 16th-century half-timbered house situated on Henley Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,…
Cadbury World is a visitor attraction in Bournville, Birmingham, England, featuring a self-guided exhibition tour, created and run by the…
The Victoria Law Courts is a red brick and terracotta judicial building, which accommodates Birmingham Magistrates' Court, on Corporation…
Hall's Croft is a building in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, which was owned by William Shakespeare's daughter, Susanna Hall,…
Thor's Cave is a natural cavern located at SK09865496 in the Manifold Valley of the White Peak in Staffordshire, England.
Chartley Castle lies in ruins to the north of the village of Stowe-by-Chartley in Staffordshire, between Stafford and Uttoxeter.
Trentham Estate in the village of Trentham, Staffordshire, England, is a visitor attraction on the southern fringe of the city of Stoke-on…
Croxden Abbey, also known as "Abbey of the Vale of St. Mary at Croxden", was a Cistercian abbey at Croxden, Staffordshire, United Kingdom.
拉德洛城堡 ,也译鲁德娄城堡,是位于英格兰什罗浦郡拉德洛的一座城堡遗址,俯瞰蒂姆河。它可能是由诺曼征服英格兰时的诺曼贵族沃尔特·德·拉西…
Boscobel House is a Grade II* listed building in the parish of Boscobel in Shropshire.
The Royal Oak was the English oak tree within which the future King Charles II of England hid to escape the Roundheads following the Battle…
Acton Burnell Castle is a 13th-century fortified manor house, located near the village of Acton Burnell, Shropshire, England.
什鲁斯伯里城堡 是英国英格兰什罗普郡什鲁斯伯里的一座红砂岩城堡,位于什鲁斯伯里车站的正上方,是一座英国一级保护建筑。自1985年开始,什鲁斯伯里城堡就是什罗普郡博物馆的所在地。
Wenlock Priory, or St Milburga's Priory, is a ruined 12th-century monastery, located in Much Wenlock, Shropshire, at grid reference…
The Chamberlain Clock is an Edwardian, cast-iron, clock tower in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham, England.
演说广场 ,又译演讲角,是一个允许民众公开发表演说的地方,最著名的一个演说者之角位于英国伦敦西敏区海德公园的东北角。在遵守现行的法律下任何人可以自由地对于各种议题发表演说。
Hopton Castle is situated in the village of the same name which lies approximately halfway between Knighton and Craven Arms, in the English…
Flounders' Folly is a tower built in 1838 on Callow Hill, near Craven Arms at the western end of Wenlock Edge in Shropshire, England.
The Centre of the Earth is a purpose-built environmental education centre in Birmingham, England, run by the Wildlife Trust for Birmingham…