玛丽亚宫 ,或译马林斯基宫,是乌克兰首都基辅的一座宫殿,位于乌克兰最高拉达的隔壁,是乌克兰总统的官邸和迎宾馆。宫殿修建于1744年至1752年,由伊丽莎白女皇下令修建。设计者是意大利人建筑师弗朗切斯科·巴尔托洛梅奥·拉斯特雷利。1870年时为纪念玛丽亚·亚历山德罗芙娜改为现名。
Lach Gates at Independence Square in Kyiv is a monument built in 2001 to commemorate one of the Medieval Kyiv city gates.
波坦金阶梯 是乌克兰敖德萨的一个巨大的阶梯,被认为是从海上方向正式进入城市的入口,也是敖德萨最有名的象征。它建于1837–1841年,在其因电影波坦金战舰而知名于世前,最初被称为大道阶梯、巨型阶梯或黎塞留阶梯。波坦金阶梯顶部宽12.5米,底部宽21…
The Rocks of Dovbush is a group of natural and man-made structures carved out of rock at around 980 m ASL approximately 3 km from the…
爱情隧道 位于乌克兰西北部罗夫诺州的小镇克莱万,原本只是私人公司送木材到小镇而建的铁路,并且不提供载客服务。之后由于隧道被植物包围的特殊景致,逐渐成为游客和情侣的热门景点。全长约5公里。
The Bell of Chersonesos, located close to the ruins of Chersonesos Taurica, Crimea, is the symbol of Chersonesos and one of the main sights…
斯维尔日城堡 是位于乌克兰利沃夫州的一个城堡。它于15世纪建造。城堡内还有一座建于1546年的小教堂。该城堡多次哥萨克占领。1648年,奥斯曼帝国放火将其烧毁。17世纪,城堡重建。1907年,城堡修复,但在1914年又被大火摧毁。此后多次进行重建和修复。
Oleshky Sands is a desert in Ukraine. It is situated inland from the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea and consists of sand dunes or…
Lake Lemuria is a small lake in the western part of Syvash Bay in the Kherson region of Ukraine.
Medzhybizh Fortress also known as Medzhybizh Castle, is situated at the confluence of the Southern Bug and Buzhok rivers, in the town of…
Berezhany Castle, around which the modern town of Berezhany has sprung up, was built on an island in the Zolota Lypa River in the 1530s and…
The British Mark V tank was an upgraded version of the Mark IV tank.
Dzhurynskyi or the Chervonohorodskyi waterfall is located on the Dzhuryn river in Nyrkiv village, Chortkiv Raion, Ternopil Oblast of…
圣山拉伏拉 是乌克兰东部一个重要的东正教修道院,位于顿涅茨克州北部斯维亚托戈尔斯克附近北顿涅茨河陡峭的右岸。其名称来自附近的圣山。
Saint Hripsime Church, is a working Armenian church located in Yalta on the Crimean peninsula and completed in 1917.It is modeled after a…
米格-15战斗机 是由苏联米高扬-格列维奇飞机设计局设计的战斗机,为苏联第一代战机的代表,也被认为是第一代后掠翼高亚音速喷气式战机的杰出代表。北约给予的绰号是“柴捆 ”。韩战初期,米格15的出现对联军P-51野马为代表的直翼战机形成了代际优势,迫使美军迅速投入F…