The Assumption Monastery of the Caves is located in Crimea, near Bakhchysarai. It is a cave monastery carved out of a cliff.
波察耶夫拉伏拉 是乌克兰捷尔诺波尔州克列梅涅茨区波恰耶夫的一个东正教修道院。几个世纪以来,它一直是西乌克兰地区东正教各种教派的首要精神和思想中心。修道院位于捷尔诺波尔以北70公里、克列梅涅茨西南18公里处的波恰耶夫镇一座60米高的山丘顶部。
圣山拉伏拉 是乌克兰东部一个重要的东正教修道院,位于顿涅茨克州北部斯维亚托戈尔斯克附近北顿涅茨河陡峭的右岸。其名称来自附近的圣山。
The Saint Nicholas Monastery is an Eastern Orthodox monastery located on Chernecha Hora in Mukachevo, Ukraine.
The Assumption Monastery at the Holy Mountain is a stauropegial Ukrainian Orthodox cave monastery belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox…