彼得霍夫宫 是位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡彼得宫城的一组宫殿建筑,设计者是彼得大帝。作为夏宫使用。彼得霍夫宫和其花园有时被称为“俄罗斯的凡尔赛宫”。现在彼得霍夫宫被列为世界文化遗产。
The cabin of Peter the Great is a small wooden house which was the first St Petersburg "palace" of Tsar Peter the Great.
Visit a rare museum, completely devoted to vodka which is a significant feature of Russian culture. Come here and discover vodka's origin.
Central Naval Museum is a naval museum in St Petersburg, Russia. It is one of the first museums in Russia and one of the world’s largest…
救世主显圣容教堂 是一个前俄罗斯正教会教堂,位于大诺夫哥罗德的以利亚街市场以东。目前的建筑建于1374年,壁画由希腊的塞奥法尼斯绘于1378年。一些重要的壁画仍然存在,包括穹顶的基督像。 目前建筑是一座博物馆,诺夫哥罗德州博物馆-保护区的一部分。
缅希科夫宫 是俄罗斯圣彼得堡的一座宫殿建筑,外观为彼得巴洛克式风格,位于大涅瓦河中的瓦西里岛上。该建筑是圣彼得堡第一座石造建筑。自1981年开始,该建筑是一座公共博物馆。
The Russian Museum of Ethnography is a museum in St. Petersburg that houses a collection of about 500,000 items relating to the ethnography,…
纳尔瓦凯旋门 是位于圣彼得堡纳尔瓦地区的一座凯旋门建筑,修建于1814年,纪念俄罗斯帝国在拿破仑战争中取得胜利,最初是一座木质的凯旋门。1827年至1834年,纳尔瓦凯旋门进行了重建,改为石质的凯旋门。21世纪初期,纳尔瓦凯旋门进行了修复。
This palace is rather modest in relation to other buildings of Peterhof ensemble. Its facades are decorated with concise details.
The first icebreaker Krassin, or Krasin, was built for the Imperial Russian Navy as Svyatogor.
The elegant two-storey hermitage was formerly meant for guest dining. It lies right next to Catherine Palace and is surrounded by greenery.
The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications is a museum of science and technology founded in 1872.
Priory Palace is an original palace in the formerly royal town of Gatchina, Leningrad oblast, Northwest Russia, a suburb of Saint…