胜家公司楼 ,又名书籍之家 ,是俄罗斯圣彼得堡的一座建筑。胜家公司楼位于涅瓦大街和格里博耶多夫运河的交汇处,喀山主教座堂的正对面。这座建筑是圣彼得堡的历史地标,亦是俄罗斯的正式文化遗产之一。胜家公司楼也是VKontakte公司的总部。
勃兰登堡门 是俄罗斯城市加里宁格勒的七座现存城门之一,也是加里宁格勒唯一现在仍在使用的城门。勃兰登堡门兴建于19世纪中期。
Vyborg Library is a library in Vyborg, Russia, built during the time of Finnish sovereignty, before the Finnish city of Viipuri was annexed…
The Desyatinny Monastery is an inactive monastery or convent in Veliky Novgorod, one of eight ancient monasteries of Novgorod Republic.
Annenkrone is an early 18th century fortification in Vyborg, Russia. It is located outside the town in the island of Tverdysh.
Kivach Falls is a 10.7-m-high cascade waterfall in Russia. It is located on the Suna River in the Kondopoga District, Republic of Karelia…