The László Papp Budapest Sports Arena, also known as Budapest Sports Arena or locally just Arena, is a multi-purpose indoor arena in…
多瑙河体育馆 是一座位于匈牙利布达佩斯的水上运动馆。该馆将设有两个标准游泳池、一个跳水池和一个短道训练池。该馆原本规划2021年世界游泳锦标赛在此举行,但2017年主办城市墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉在2015年2月宣布退出,改由布达佩斯接手。
The Lauber Dezső Sports Hall is a sports hall in Pécs named after Dezső Lauber.
An entertaining waterpark that offers many exciting features for both adults and children. Come spend a great day out.
Pete András Stadion is a sports stadium in Kazincbarcika, Hungary. The stadium is home to the famous association football side…
The Alfréd Hajós National Swimming Stadium is an aquatics complex located on Margaret Island in Budapest, Hungary.The facility has four…
Audi Aréna is a multi-purpose arena in Győr, Hungary. Audi Aréna holds 5,500 people and opened in 2014.