沃伊达奇城堡 是位于匈牙利首都布达佩斯城市公园的一处城堡。城堡修建于1896年至1908年期间。城堡融合了多种不同的建筑风格,包括了罗马式、和文艺复兴式。城堡最初由纸板和木材建造。在1904年至1908年期间用石头和砖块重建。现在沃伊达奇城堡是匈牙利农业博物馆的所在地。
匈牙利国家博物馆 位于布达佩斯第八区博物馆环路14-16号,新古典主义风格,建于1837-47年,建筑师米哈依·波拉克。
恐怖之屋 是位于匈牙利首都布达佩斯的安德拉什大街60号的一座博物馆。它包含有关20世纪匈牙利的法西斯主义和匈牙利共产主义时期拉科西·马加什独裁政权和匈牙利十月事件前后相关 的展品,也是这些制度的受害者纪念碑,包括在这座建筑物内被拘留,审问,酷刑或遇难者。
The Móra Ferenc Museum is a museum in Szeged, Hungary. The museum stands at the intersection of the bank of the river Tisza and the city's…
这个博物馆拥有真正有趣的游客体验 - 它位于一个经过修复的前犹太教堂。据说这座独特的哥特式建筑可以追溯到13世纪。
A curious museum devoted to some of Hungary's iconic food. Watch the making process and buy the final products in the shop.
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
The Nádasdy Mansion is a Neo Gothic style manor house designed by István Linzbauer and Alajos Hauszmann situated on 24 hectares in…
圣三一东正教堂 是位于匈牙利城市米什科尔茨的一座东正教堂,修建于1785年至1806年。教堂还附设一座小的礼拜堂。现在圣三一东正教堂的部分建筑被用来作为博物馆。
The Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park is an open-air museum of Hungarian history in Ópusztaszer, Hungary.
The Ottó Herman Museum is the largest museum in Miskolc, Hungary. It holds more than 600,000 artifacts.
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
An architectural marvel and a product of the Hungarian Art Nouveau movement. The facade is really a sight to behold.
An unique cave warmed by volcanic action. The water inside is used for medical treatment and also as a means of getting around the cave.
An intriguing reconstruction of a traditional Hungarian village. Makes for a great day out.
An enchanting late Renaissance castle. You can look around the surrounding bastion or visit the castle museum inside.
An exciting collection of aircraft - both civil and military. Highlight: the World War II wrecks from different nations.
A beautiful open-air exhibition on the traditional arts and crafts, held in authentic old buildings.
This open-air museum and its relocated buildings are a beautiful staple of traditional Hungarian architecture.