Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv is an organization concerned with Bauhaus architecture and design in the city of Tel Aviv, Israel.
Gloriously rich collection of serious as well as humorous, naive, secular, refined art. Truly unique private collection!
以色列独立厅 ,最初为特拉维夫市长Dizengoff的家 是签署以色列独立宣言的地方。这栋房子坐落于特拉维夫富有历史意义的罗斯柴尔德大街。从1932年到1971年,这里是特拉维夫艺术博物馆所在地,现在是纪念以色列独立宣言和特拉维夫-雅法城市历史的博物馆。
The Etzel House, commonly known as Beit Gidi, is a museum located in Tel Aviv, Israel dedicated to the Zionist paramilitary organization…