格加尔德修道院 是亚美尼亚的一处修道院,在2000年被联合国教科文组织登录为世界文化遗产。格加尔德修道院在基督教历史悠久的亚美尼亚中也算是建造较早的修道院。现存中央圣堂则建设于1215年至1283年期间。
圣加雅涅教堂 为一建于公元630年的教堂,位于亚美尼亚宗教中心瓦加尔沙帕特 ,从建于301年之埃奇米阿津主教座堂处向西南步行不远即至。教堂之建造由卡托利科斯以斯拉一世 主持,建筑设计除1652年之对其穹顶及部分天花进行局部翻修外未曾变更。
The Church of Shoghakat was erected in 1694 by Prince Aghamal Sorotetsi during the reign of Catholicos Nahabed I in the city of…
圣里普西梅教堂 是位于亚美尼亚瓦加尔沙帕特的亚美尼亚使徒教会教堂,建于7世纪,是该国现存最古老的教堂之一。目前的结构于公元618年竣工,以其古典时期精美的亚美尼亚风格建筑而闻名,此后影响了许多其他亚美尼亚教堂。教堂当中有一墓室,为亚美尼亚第一位殉道者圣里普西梅的墓室 。
Haghartsin is a 13th-century monastery located near the town of Dilijan in the Tavush Province of Armenia.
Zoravor Surp Astvatsatsin Church is the second oldest surviving church in Yerevan. It was previously known as Surp Astvatsatsin.
Matosavank is 13th-century small Armenian monastery, hidden in a forested area of Dilijan National Park 3 km northwest from the town of…
Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God, also known as the Our Lady of Seven Wounds, is a 19th-century church in Gyumri, Armenia.
塔特夫修道院 是一座建于9世纪的亚美尼亚使徒教会修道院,位于亚美尼亚东南部休尼克州塔特夫村附近的一大片玄武岩高原上,修道院群矗立在沃罗坦河深谷的边缘。
Aghjots Vank; also known as the Saint Stephen Monastery of Goght, is a 13th-century monastery situated along a tributary of the Azat River…
Nor Varagavank is a 13th-century Armenian Apostolic Church monastic ensemble situated 3.5 km southwest of the village Varagavan in the…
Haghartsin, also Hałarcin Monastery, is a 13th-century monastery located near the town of Dilijan in the Tavush Province of Armenia.
Odzun Church is an Armenian basilica constructed around the 5th–7th century in the Odzun village of the Lori Province of Armenia.
Hayravank is a 9th to 12th century Armenian monastery located just northeast of the village of Hayravank along the southwest shores of Lake…
Horomayr Monastery is a monastic complex in the Lori Province of Armenia.
Tsaghats Kar Monastery is an Armenian monastery located along the mountain foothills overlooking the Yeghegis River, between the villages…
St. Thaddeus the Apostle Church of Ddmashen is a 7th-century Armenian church located within the village of Ddmashen in the Gegharkunik…
Targmanchats Vank of the 6th to 7th century is located within the village of Aygeshat in the Armavir Province of Armenia just off the main…
Tanahat Monastery, is an 8th-century monastery 7 km south-east of Vernashen village in the Vayots Dzor Province of Armenia.