肯辛顿花园曾经是肯辛顿宫的私人花园,现在是伦敦的皇家公园之一。花园由威斯敏斯特市和肯辛顿和切尔西皇家自治市共同拥有,西临位于伦敦中西部的海德公园。花园占地 107 公顷…
The Cambridge University Botanic Garden is a botanical garden located in Cambridge, England, associated with the university Department of…
The Lost Gardens of Heligan are located near Mevagissey in Cornwall, England and are considered to be amongst the most popular in the UK.
St John's Gardens may refer to the following:
斯塔德利皇家公园 位于英格兰北约克郡,其占地323公顷 。1986年斯塔德利皇家公园以及方廷斯修道院被联合国教科文组织授予了“世界遗产”称号。
阿尼克花园 是位于英格兰诺森伯兰郡阿尼克城堡的附属花园。这座花园曾长期由诺森伯兰公爵所有,但年久失修。在第二次世界大战时期,花园被废弃并改种食物。直到21世纪初期才恢复原状。2001年,阿尼克花园在经过再开发后重新开放,并修建了可容纳1,000人的世界最大规模树屋。
西辛赫斯特城堡花园 , 位于英格兰东南部肯特郡西辛赫斯特, 由 作家薇塔·萨克维尔-韦斯特,…
Tresco Abbey Gardens are located on the island of Tresco in the Isles of Scilly, United Kingdom.
St John's Gardens may refer to the following:
Sizergh Castle is a stately home with garden and estate at Helsington in Cumbria, England, about 4 miles south of Kendal.
This lovely house was home to York's chocolate magnate, Noel Goddard Terry. Apart from the interior, you can explore the beautiful gardens.
Brodsworth Hall, near Brodsworth, 5 miles north-west of Doncaster in South Yorkshire, is one of the most complete surviving examples of a…
Holehird Gardens is an extensive 10-acre site located near Windermere, Cumbria, England.
A beautiful and tranquil formal garden.
RHS Garden Hyde Hall is a public display garden run by the Royal Horticultural Society in the English county of Essex.