A London hub of contemporary art, performances and theatre. Encompasses several huge venues on Southbank.
萨默塞特府 ,是英国伦敦城中心的一幢大型建筑,位于河岸街的南侧,俯瞰泰晤士河,西邻滑铁卢桥。建筑主体于1776年到1796年间完成,采用了建筑师威廉·钱珀斯爵士的新古典主义设计。在南北两侧,后来又增建了典型维多利亚式翼楼。这里最初是一幢始建于16世纪的同名建筑。
Fresh art platform connecting artists and presenting the most daring contemporary achievements, from music and theatre to visual art.
皇家国家剧院 是英国的一座剧院。位于伦敦泰晤士河的南岸。皇家国家剧院建造于1976年,建筑的设计者是丹尼斯·拉斯登 。剧院内部可分为Olivier Theatre、Lyttelton Theatre、The Cottesloe Theatre和The Shed四个部分。
沃克美术馆 ,或称步行者画廊,是英国利物浦的一座美术馆,位于威廉布朗大街。它是一座新古典主义建筑,也是伦敦以外英格兰最大的美术馆,有“北方国家美术馆”之称。
约克美术馆 位于英格兰约克,收藏14世纪到现代绘画、版画,水彩画,素描和陶瓷。2013年关闭重建,2015年夏季重新开放。
The Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, is located on New Bridge Street West.
Turner Contemporary is an art gallery in Margate, Kent, England, intended as a contemporary arts space and catalyst for the regeneration of…
The Sage is a forthcoming indoor arena and conference centre in Gateshead, United Kingdom due to open in phases between 2025 and 2027.
Named after the famous English sculptor, this institute's aim is to bring visual arts to the public. See some intriguing exhibits here!
The De La Warr Pavilion is a grade I listed building, located on the seafront at Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, on the south coast of England…
The Met is a performing arts venue in Bury, Greater Manchester, England.
Cambridge Junction is a live music and arts venue in Cambridge, England.
St. Paul's Gallery is a commercial art gallery, the largest in the United Kingdom outside London.
Leeds Art Gallery in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, is a gallery, part of the Leeds Museums & Galleries group, whose collection of 20th…