巨人堤道 ,又译为巨人之路,位于北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特西北约80公里处大西洋海岸。由总计约4万根六角形石柱组成8公里的海岸。石柱连绵有序,呈阶梯状延伸入海。
斯摩洞 形成于奥陶纪早期,现在位于苏格兰最北边的海岸线上的高地萨瑟兰。斯摩洞的地质是其特别之处,它的内洞是由两条活水流侵蚀而成。第一条从内洞最深处的一个不显眼的池中流出,另一条水流则来自一个名叫Allt…
The Fortingall Yew is an ancient European yew in the churchyard of the village of Fortingall in Perthshire, Scotland.
The Major Oak is a large English oak near the village of Edwinstowe in the midst of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England.
The Royal Oak was the English oak tree within which the future King Charles II of England hid to escape the Roundheads following the Battle…
Bowthorpe Oak in Manthorpe near Bourne, Lincolnshire, England is perhaps England's oldest oak tree with an estimated age of over 1,000…
The Ankerwycke Yew is an ancient yew tree close to the ruins of St Mary's Priory, the site of a Benedictine nunnery built in the 12th…
The Capon Oak Tree is one of the last surviving trees of the ancient Jedforest, close to Jed Water, a small river which has cut a course…
Niel Gow's Oak is a 300-year-old tree near Dunkeld and Birnam, Perth and Kinross, Scotland.