Mehtab Bagh is a charbagh complex in Agra, North India. It lies north of the Taj Mahal complex and the Agra Fort on the opposite side of the…
The Tomb of Mariam-uz-Zamani or Mariam's tomb is the mausoleum of Mariam-uz-Zamani, commonly known as Jodha Bai, the favorite wife of the…
Amusing evening shows take place in this center. Buy a ticket and enjoy Indian culture, performances are often connected with history of Taj…
阿克巴陵 ,又作锡坎德拉 ,是莫卧儿皇帝阿克巴的陵墓,也是一座莫卧儿风格的建筑钜作,位于印度北方邦阿格拉,建于1604年至1613年间,占地119英亩。
这座美丽的大理石寺庙,献给女神拉达,是Radha Soami信仰中所有信徒最重要的礼拜场所。虽然它的很大一部分已经站立,但寺庙仍在建设中。