瑙姆堡大教堂 是德国的一座教堂,纪念圣彼得和圣保罗,位于萨克森-安哈尔特州的瑙姆堡。瑙姆堡大教堂融合了晚期罗马式建筑和哥特式建筑的特征。瑙姆堡大教堂始建于1028年,现在仍然是一座福音派的教堂。大教堂内有一座存世超过800年的雕像。2018年列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产。
Neuenburg Castle is a hilltop castle overlooking Freyburg, a town in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
罗斯巴赫会战 ,是七年战争中普鲁士与法国神圣罗马帝国联军在1757年11月5日的战役。以普军大胜作结。此战被誉为是腓特烈大帝最辉煌的战绩,18世纪欧洲经典战役之一。
Schönburg Castle, is in the municipality of Schönburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It has been proposed by Germany as a World Heritage Site.
Saaleck Castle is a hill castle near Bad Kösen, now a part of Naumburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
1632 年 11 月 6 日发生的吕岑会战,是三十年战争的决定性战役之一,主要由瑞典、萨克森和黑森-卡塞尔军队组成的新教联军以微弱优势击败了阿尔布雷希特·冯·华伦斯坦领导的帝国军队取得胜利,但是却失去了他们最重要的领袖之一古斯塔夫二世·阿道夫,从而导致其军事行动陷入停滞。
The Rudelsburg is a ruined hill castle located on the east bank of the river Saale above Saaleck, a village in the borough of Naumburg in…
Neuenburg Castle is a hilltop castle overlooking Freyburg, a town in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Pforta, or Schulpforta, is a school located in Pforta monastery, a former Cistercian monastery, near Naumburg on the Saale River in the…