Mihintale is a mountain peak near Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka. It is believed by Sri Lankans to be the site of a meeting between the Buddhist…
阇耶室利摩诃菩提树 ,或称斯里兰卡圣菩提树,是位于斯里兰卡阿努拉德普勒的一株菩提树。阇耶室利摩诃菩提树为斯里兰卡的八圣地之一。
Ritigala is a mountain in central Sri Lanka which is home to an ancient Buddhist monastery.
The Ruwanweli Maha Seya, also known as the Maha Thupa, is a stupa in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.
Anuradhapura Archaeological Museum is one of the archaeological museums of Sri Lanka.