McSorley's Old Ale House, generally known as McSorley's, is the oldest Irish saloon in New York City.
这个鞋店很大 - 它的室内设计也很重要。因此,如果您正在寻找一双新运动鞋,或者只想浏览一些色彩缤纷的时髦鞋履,请不要犹豫,不要犹豫。你可以在这里找到所有流行品牌的运动鞋。机会会引起你的注意。
The Strand Bookstore is an independent bookstore located at 828 Broadway, at the corner of East 12th Street in the East Village…
汤普金斯广场公园 是美国纽约市的一个公园,面积10.5-英亩 ,位于曼哈顿东村字母城。这是一个方形的公园,北到东10街,东到B大道,南面是东7街,西到A大道。
CBGB是位于美国纽约的一间已关闭的酒吧,它被公认为是朋克音乐的诞生地。“CBGB”的意思是乡村 、蓝草 、布鲁斯 。
八街 是纽约市曼哈顿区的一条街道,西起格林尼治村地区的第六大道,到第三大道,以及从B大道到D大道。在第三大道和A大道之间,它名为圣马可坊 ,得名于附近十街与第二大道处的圣马可教堂 。
恩典堂 是美国圣公会纽约教区的一个古老堂区,位于纽约市曼哈顿百老汇大道800-804号 。百老汇大道在此转折向北,后面是恩典堂学校,在公园大道86-98号,介于东10街与12街之间。这是一座哥特复兴建筑的杰作 ,由小詹姆斯·伦威克设计,这是他接受的第一项主要工作。
农场圣马可堂 是纽约连续使用的最古老的宗教场所,已经作为基督教堂连续使用了超过三个半世纪;它也是曼哈顿第二古老的教堂建筑。
The New York City Marble Cemetery is a historic cemetery founded in 1831, and located at 52-74 East 2nd Street between First and Second…
Metronome is a large public art installation located along the south end of Union Square in New York City.
Friendly staff serving delicious pizza and appetizers at affordable prices. Popular among locals.
Anthology Film Archives is an international center for the preservation, study, and exhibition of film and video, with a particular focus…
Webster Hall is a nightclub and concert venue located at 125 East 11th Street, between Third and Fourth Avenues, near Astor Place, in the…
The Orpheum Theatre is a 299-seat Off-Broadway theatre on Second Avenue near the corner of St.
The Middle Collegiate Church is a Reformed Church in America church located at 112 Second Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets in the East…
St. Brigid's Roman Catholic Church, also known as St. Brigid's or Famine Church, is a church located at 123 Avenue B, on the southeast…
The New York Marble Cemetery is a burial ground established in 1830 in what is now the East Village of Manhattan.