斯坦因门 是位于奥地利瓦豪谷地多瑙河畔克雷姆斯一座保存完好的古城门,被认为是这座城市的标志性建筑,直至今日多瑙河畔克雷姆斯市区还有两座城门:Kremser Tor和Linzer Tor。城门最初建立于15世纪末期,但后来改为巴洛克式风格…
An outstanding example of early Gothic town castle. Well-preserved, boasting rare frescoes and museum of sacral art.
The Venus of Galgenberg is a Venus figurine of the Aurignacian era, dated to about 30,000 years ago.
The picturesque valley dotted with villages is a perfect place for any wine lover as it's Austria's major wine growing region.