竹林寺 是位在日本高知县高知市的真言宗智山派寺院。山号“五台山” 。本尊文殊菩萨、开山 为行基。四国八十八个所灵场之第三十一番札所。别称竹林密寺。
Tanema-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Kōchi, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 34th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
The Sakamoto Ryōma Memorial Museum opened in the grounds of the former Urado Castle in Katsurahama, Kōchi, Japan on 15 November 1991.
Sekkei-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Kōchi, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 33rd temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.