戈尔韦主教座堂 ,也称圣母蒙召升天和圣尼各老主教座堂,是位于爱尔兰共和国城市戈尔韦的一座罗马天主教教堂,是戈尔韦规模最大最醒目的建筑之一。戈尔韦主教座堂开始修建于1958年,在1965年竣工。教堂献给圣母玛利亚和圣尼各老。
Menlo Castle or Menlough Castle, also called Blake's Castle, is a 16th century castle situated on the bank of the River Corrib near Menlo…
The Spanish Arch and the Caoċ Arch in Galway city, Ireland, are two remaining arches on the Ceann an Bhalla.
Galway City Museum is a museum in Galway City, County Galway, Ireland.
爱尔兰国立大学戈尔韦分校 是爱尔兰国立大学的一所成员大学,位于爱尔兰共和国戈尔韦。
An Taibhdhearc is the national Irish language theatre of Ireland. It was founded in 1928.
Dexcom Stadium is the home of Connacht Rugby. It opened in 1927 and has been used to host Connacht Rugby matches since.
Life Style Sports, officially Lifestyle Sports Limited