太空针塔 是美国西北太平洋地区的一座主要地标,位于华盛顿州西雅图的安妮女王社区。因1962年世界博览会在西雅图举办而兴建,建成初期每日有接近20,000人次乘电梯登塔参观,该届博览会共吸引约230万参观者。太空针塔高约184米 ,最大宽度为42米 ,总重约9…
拓荒者广场 是美国华盛顿州西雅图一个街区,位于市中心的西南角。此处曾经是该市的心脏:1855年,西雅图的创建者定居于此。取代在埃利奥特湾 那一边只有6个月的居民点Alki…
The Olympic Sculpture Park, created and operated by the Seattle Art Museum, is a public park with modern and contemporary sculpture in…
西雅图摩天轮 是位于美国华盛顿州西雅图57号码头的摩天轮,高175英尺 ,在其建立时是美国西海岸最高的摩天轮。
Kerry Park is a small public park and viewpoint on the south slope of Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, Washington, United States.
The Seattle Underground is a network of underground passageways and basements in the Pioneer Square neighborhood of Seattle, Washington,…
Marymere Falls is located in Olympic National Park near Lake Crescent in Washington, United States.
雷尼尔山 ,亦称塔科马山 或塔霍马山 ,是一座活火山,属于层状火山,位在美国华盛顿州的皮尔斯县境内,也位于西雅图东南方54英里 处。雷尼尔山也是喀斯开山脉的最高峰,海拔4…
Tipsoo Lake, at an elevation of 5,298 feet above sea level, is an alpine lake within the Northern Cascade Range near the summit of Chinook…
Lake Quinault is a lake on the Olympic Peninsula in western Washington state.
The Teapot Dome Service Station is a former gas station built in the shape of a teapot located in Zillah, Washington, United States, that…
失望角州立公园 ,前称坎比堡州立公园 ,是一个位于美国华盛顿州的公众娱乐区。公园占地2,023英亩…
Palouse Falls is a waterfall in the northwest United States on the Palouse River, about four miles upstream of its confluence with the…
Maryhill Museum of Art is a small museum with an eclectic collection, located near what is now the community of Maryhill in the U.S. state…