乘坐标志性的贡多拉,鲍勃峰为游客提供了广阔乡村的美丽风景。您还可以在这里享受各种活动 - 山地自行车,无人骑乘滑翔伞,滑翔伞和蹦极。
乘坐专门的推车,在Bob's Peak的顶部享受刺激的骑行体验。有多种不同难度的曲目可供选择,适合所有人。
这个标志性的汉堡包于2000年成立,尽管只有这一个位置,但在世界各地都很有名。据说是皇后镇最好的汉堡,为排队做好准备 - 你可以轻松地等待一个小时。但要确保汉堡是值得的。
晚餐享有壮观的景色。乘坐皇后镇缆车到鲍勃峰顶,享受美味佳肴,欣赏城镇和周围自然美景。建议预订,并确保要求窗口表 - 即使它有点贵,你不想错过它。
The Queenstown Gardens, located next to the town of Queenstown, New Zealand, is a botanical garden which contains a variety of exotic and…
这个必看的天文台是一个水下的画廊,为游客提供当地水下野生动物的美景。观察瓦卡蒂普湖的居民 - 从鳟鱼和鳗鱼到潜水鸭。里面的木板将告诉你湖的神话历史。
Come visit real kiwi and up to twenty other native birds and reptiles! Entertain yourself with the Live Bird Show or Kiwi Feedings.
Hell Pizza is a New Zealand-based pizza chain. It was established in Wellington in 1996 and has since expanded around New Zealand.
Try ice skating for an entertaining activity for the whole family! The arena offers an ice skating and ice hockey rinks and teaches skating.
The oldest residential building in Queenstown (built 1864). Despite it now being a design store, many original features are still present.
A favourite with visitors and locals alike, the pub offers a variety of tap beers from around the world, delicious meals and much much more.
William Gilbert Rees was an explorer, surveyor, and early settler in Central Otago, New Zealand.
A restaurant situated near the city centre is a good choice if you crave food that originates from Korea.
Queenstown Police Station is the largest police station in the Otago Lakes Central Area which is one of three policing areas in the…