上海城隍庙是上海最主要的道教正一派道观,也是上海市文物保护单位与著名景点,位于上海市方浜中路249号,毗连豫园。上海城隍庙始建于明永乐元年 ,由原霍光行祠改建而成。此后历经多次扩建,于清朝道光初年达到鼎盛。民国13年 中元节,“三巡会”举办过程中发生火灾而被毁。民国15年…
Rather pricey but original way how to get across the river. Tunnel ride accompanied with erratic lights and electronic music - why not?
Famous shopping street specialising in books, calligraphy and arts. Just strolling through the shops is pleasant.
上海豫园旅游商城股份有限公司 是一家上海证券交易所的上市公司,规划、建设、经营及管理在中国上海黄浦区豫园商城,销售黄金珠宝、餐饮、医药、百货、食品、房地产、进口出口贸易、金融投资等产业。豫园商城的最大股东为上海复星产业投资有限公司,占股17.24%,第二大股东为上海复星高科技…
Highlight of the red tourism. This is where Mao Zedong stayed on his visit to Shanghai.
This little bistro is said t have the best pan-fried dumplings in Shanghai. It has two venues on the street.
The Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen can refer to any of the following places which the Chinese revolutionary Dr. Sun Yat-sen had lived in:
Dating back to the late Qing dynasty, this is the oldest tea house in Shanghai. Dignified place, a must for tea lovers.
This mosque was built in a distinctive architectural style typical for mosques in East Asia. An important site for pilgrims to Mecca.
This Catholic church built in a showy Spanish baroque style seems rather out of place here. A beautiful structure with service held daily.