喀布尔大学 ,英文缩写KU,是阿富汗主要而古老的高等教育学校之一。位于首都喀布尔第三区,靠近高等教育部。1932年建校,成立于穆罕默德·纳第尔·沙阿和时任总理的穆罕默德·哈西姆·汗政府时期。目前在校生约22,000人,其中女性占了43…
达鲁尔·阿曼宫 ,也译达鲁拉曼宫,是一座欧洲式样风格的宫殿,曾经被战火焚毁,它距离阿富汗首都喀布尔16公里 。
Bagh-e Babur, also known as Gardens of Babur, is a historic site in Chelsatun, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Tajbeg Palace, also inaccurately called the Queen's Palace, is one of the palaces in the popular Darulaman area of Kabul, Afghanistan.
The Inter-Continental is a five star hotel located in the Karte Parwan neighbourhood in western Kabul, Afghanistan.
Jinnah Hospital is a 200-bed hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan. Built by the government of Pakistan, it is one of the largest hospitals in…
The Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan National Military Hospital, often referred to as the Daoud Khan Hospital or the National Military Hospital,…
阿格 ,位于阿富汗喀布尔,为阿富汗总统府。位于喀布尔市中心阿克巴汗区富人区,占地83英亩。1880年在英属印度军队破坏巴拉希萨尔堡后建造。一直是阿富汗国王王宫,1978年推翻国王,此地又成为总统府,它的主人经历了从君主阿布杜尔·拉赫曼汗到前任总统阿什拉夫·加尼。