锡耶纳牧山银行 是意大利的一家银行,总部位于锡耶纳。其历史可以追溯到1472年 成立的一家当铺,现在的锡耶纳牧山银行则创始于1624年 ,是世界上最古老或至少第二古老的银行,也是意大利第三或第四大商业和零售银行。2016年至2017年遭遇经融危机,在意大利政府注资纾困后得以缓解。
The Italian Labour Union or UIL is a national trade union centre in Italy.
The Italian General Confederation of Labour is a national trade union centre in Italy.
The General Confederation of Italian Industry, commonly known as Confindustria, is the Italian employers' federation and national chamber…
Carrara San Martino railway station, previously named Carrara Città, was a railway station common to two lines, now suppressed, located…