金门 是波兰格但斯克的一座古城门,该市主要的名胜之一。位于长街 的一端,毗邻高地门 和Wieża Więzienna。最初名为长街门 ,在1612年至1614年兴建在13世纪哥特式城门的地点,建筑风格为荷兰式。
格但斯克起重机 位于波兰格但斯克,是欧洲现存最大最古老的港口起重机,现为格但斯克的代表性地标之一。这座起重机最初为木造,建于1367年,1442年因火灾焚毁;1442…
西盘半岛或维斯特布拉德半岛 是位于波兰格但斯克附近的一个半岛,在战间期属于但泽自由市。西盘半岛是西盘半岛战役的发生地,这场战役也是二战的第一场战役。西盘半岛是波兰少数前德式地名中未改为波兰式地名的地点。
圣玛利亚教堂 是波兰城市格但斯克的一座天主教宗座圣殿,世界最大的砖砌教堂,欧洲最大的砖砌哥特式建筑之一。它全长105.5米,宽66米,能容纳 25,000 人。它是天主教格但斯克总教区的共主教座堂 。
格但斯克主城市政厅 位于长街的尽头,在长广场居于主导地位。这里是主城 的心脏。这是真正的市中心,早于老城 及老城市政厅 。
Hel Lighthouse is an active lighthouse in the town of Hel, Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland.
This museum is dedicated solely to the Kashubian culture, traditions and architecture. Makes for a great day out.
This Renaissance castle houses a museum with various collections on display. You can see artworks, photos, documents and a lot more here.
The Seal Sanctuary in Hel is a public aquarium in the town of Hel at the Polish seaside of the Baltic Sea.
贝图夫城堡 是波兰的一座城堡,位于波兰北部城市贝图夫。这座城堡的建筑风格属于条顿哥特式建筑。三十年战争只对这座城堡造成了很小的损害,但在大洪水时代时,瑞典人将这座城堡夷为平地。
加尔德诺湖 是波兰的湖泊,位于该国北部滨海省,长6.8公里、宽4.7公里,面积24.69平方公里,海拔高度0.3米,平均水深2.6米,最大水深2.6米,湖中的岛屿面积0.6公顷。
This open-air museum boasts 19th century houses and culture of Slovenes who used to live in the Pomerania region.
Hotel Et Cetera is located in a calm part of Słupsk, in an old brewery's building, right next to the Lasek Północny (Northern Forest).
Railway Museum Kościerzyna is a Polish railway museum located in Kościerzyna, Pomeranian Voivodeship.
Seated in a few rooms of a Gothic castle, this museum is focused on ethnography, history, agriculture and a lot more.
If you're interested in WWII and the navy, pay a visit to this museum. There is a great exhibition covering the 1939 attack on Poland here.
This beautiful 17th century town hall is one of the dominants of Wejherowo. There is an exhibition room inside.
Wieżyca is a hill located in northern Poland, in the historical region of Kashubia, some 40 kilometers southwest of Gdańsk.