魁北克老城 ,又称魁北克历史城区 ,位于加拿大魁北克省的省府魁北克市市内。面积约1.35平方千米。原是北美印第安人部落的村聚。1608年法国一名探险家率先对魁北克地进行开发建成,随后其成为新法兰西的首府。英法七年战争后归英国所有,1791年,成为英属北美下加拿大省的首府。
魁北克要塞 是一处现役的军事基地,同时也是加拿大国王和该国总督的一处官邸,它位于魁北克市戴蒙岬角的顶部,与亚伯拉罕平原相邻。
魁北克老城缆车 是加拿大魁北克市的一条缆索铁路,连接魁北克老城的上城和下城,包括胜利之后堂、小尚普兰街和文明博物馆等景点。索道全长64米,倾斜角度45度。
Quebec's Government House, known as Spencer Wood, was the viceregal residence of Quebec. It was built in 1854.
The Park of the Kabir Kouba Cliff and Waterfall is a public park in Quebec City, Quebec crossed by the Saint-Charles River.
The Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, abbreviated as MNBAQ, is an art museum in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
An impressive botanical garden where you can admire over 4000 species of flora. A water garden here looks really spectacular.
Aquarium du Québec is a public aquarium located in the former city of Sainte-Foy in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Aquarium du Québec is a public aquarium located in the former city of Sainte-Foy in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Wendake is the current name for two urban reserves, Wendake 7 and Wendake 7A, of the Huron-Wendat Nation in the Canadian province of Quebec.
拉瓦尔大学 是位于加拿大魁北克市的一所历史悠久的综合大学,为北美地区建立的第四所高等教育机构,也是该地区最古老的法语大学和加拿大主要大学之一,学校名称来源于魁北克第一任主教方济·拉瓦尔 。他的主要校区位于加拿大魁北克省魁北克市圣富瓦西利 地区,现任校长为索菲·达穆尔…
Laurier Québec is one of Canada's largest shopping malls. It is located in Quebec City, Quebec.
The Cégep Garneau is a public French-language college in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
St. Michel de Sillery Church is a Roman Catholic parish church in Sillery, Quebec City.
Cégep de Sainte-Foy is a French-language CEGEP in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. It is located in the borough of Sainte-Foy–Sillery–Cap-Rouge.
Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau was a Canadian lawyer and politician. Chauveau was the first premier of Quebec, following the establishment…