帕乌洞 ,是老挝琅勃拉邦以北25公里处湄公河岸上两个供奉佛像洞穴的称呼,现在成为一个旅游点。
琅勃拉邦王宫 ,是老挝琅勃拉邦王国最后一位国王西萨旺·冯的王宫,建于1904年。国王西萨旺·冯去世后,王储西萨旺·瓦达纳和他的家人继承居住,1975年,君主制被老挝人民革命党推翻,王室被送再教育营劳改,王宫也被改成博物馆。
石缸平原 ,又译为查尔平原,是老挝川圹省川圹高原的一个巨石文化遗迹,有数百个高1-3米的巨型石缸分布。2019年获列入世界文化遗产。
普西山 ,是一座位于老挝琅勃拉邦的山丘,高100米。普西山位于老城区半岛的中心地带,一侧与湄公河接壤,另一侧与南康河接壤。这座山是当地的宗教场所,有几座佛教圣地。普西山山腰能俯瞰南康河河岸的山丘佛教寺庙Wat Tham Phou Si,可以俯瞰城镇和周边乡村的Wat Chom…
The Tat Sae Waterfalls, also referred to as the Tad Sae Waterfalls are waterfalls located along a tributary of the Nam Khan River in Luang…
凯旋门 ,是一座位于老挝永珍的古迹,建筑于1957至1968年。它与法国的凯旋门相似,但建筑具本土特色,例如表面装饰有如紧那罗等神话元素雕塑。
The Lao National Museum is located in Vientiane, Laos. It was founded as the national museum highlighting the revolution of the 1970s and is…
Tham Kong Lo or Kong Lor Cave is a karst limestone cave in Phu Hin Bun National Park, in Khammouane Province, Laos.
Phu Chi Fa, also Phu Chee Fah, is a mountain area and national forest park in Thailand.
四千岛 是位于湄公河内的一组列岛,位于老挝南部占巴塞省。四千岛的特点是岛屿众多,但是当湄公河泛滥时,其中一半会被淹没。其中的主要岛屿是东孔岛 、东德岛和东阔岛。
Long Tieng is a Laotian military base in Xaisomboun Province. During the Laotian Civil War, it served as a town and airbase operated by the…
Long Tieng is a Laotian military base in Xaisomboun Province. During the Laotian Civil War, it served as a town and airbase operated by the…
Dams and reservoirs in Laos are the cornerstone of the Lao government's goal of becoming the "battery of Asia".Hydroelectric power is a…
Phu Soi Dao is a mountain in Southeast Asia. It is 2120 metres tall and rises at the south end of the Luang Prabang Range, on the border…