塞勒隆阶梯 是一处世界著名的阶梯,位于巴西里约热内卢,从若阿金·席尔瓦街到马丁街,横跨拉帕和圣特蕾莎两个街区。塞勒隆阶梯共有215级,长125米,使用了来自世界60多个国家的2000多块瓷砖。塞勒隆阶梯修建于1990-2013年,是智利出生的艺术家塞勒隆的作品,被称作…
塔糖山 是一座位于巴西里约热内卢市瓜纳巴拉湾中一座海拔1299英尺的山峰,为里约热内卢的重要地标,经常被拿来和里约热内卢基督像并列。塔糖山之所以名为塔糖山,据说是早期先民们依它外型酷似一块塔糖 的形状而得名。公元1912年,第一条通往山顶的缆车线自塔糖山山麓的红色海滩…
The Museum of Tomorrow is a science museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden or Jardim Botânico is located at the Jardim Botânico district in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro.
这个美丽的海滩不会让你失望,如果你正在寻找一个游泳的好地方,有足够的餐厅,以确保你不会饿或口渴。然而,这是一个非常受欢迎的,所以在阳光明媚的日子里,它很容易拥挤。你可能也会遇到语言障碍 - 不是每个人都说英语。
Wonderful small beach, one of the best ones in the area. You'll find some great restaurants around.
A small beach perfect for swimming when it's not too crowded. Ideal for a nice day trip from Rio.
伊塔巴波阿纳河畔邦热苏斯 是巴西里约热内卢州的一个市镇。总面积598.401平方公里,总人口35303人,人口密度59人/平方公里。
Estádio Municipal General Sylvio Raulino de Oliveira, also known as Raulino de Oliveira, and as Estádio da Cidadania, is a football stadium.
Ideally located 3 km from Praia das Conchas Beach, in Cabo Frio, Pousada Devas offers free Wi-Fi and parking on site.
The Santa Cruz Estate is a former imperial country retreat in Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro.
The Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro is a highway designed to connect the five main highways that cross the municipality of Rio de…
Pico das Agulhas Negras is the fifth-highest mountain in Brazil, standing at 2,791 metres above sea level, making it one of the highest in…
Trindade is a bairro in the Municipality of Paraty, located at the south-western tip of the federal state of Rio de Janeiro of Brazil,…