伊拉斯谟桥 ,是荷兰鹿特丹一座斜张桥,跨越新马斯河,连接鹿特丹北部和南部地区。以尼德兰中世纪哲学家德西德里乌斯·伊拉斯谟的名字命名。
市场大厅 是位于荷兰城市鹿特丹的一座建筑,融合了住宅、办公、市场功能。这座建筑开业于2014年10月1日。除了市场之外,该建筑也是一座有228户的公寓。
One of the few buildings that survived the WWII. This Art Deco masterpiece is a nice change from the modern architecture of the city.
白宫 是荷兰城市鹿特丹的一座建筑,修建于1898年,是一座新艺术运动的建筑。白宫高43米 ,共有十层。这座建筑是荷兰的国家纪念建筑。白屋也是鹿特丹市中心少数逃过二战中德国空袭的建筑。
Come see the handprints of stars from all over the world. Sure, it might not be Hollywood, but there are well-known names here.
Rotterdam's most picturesque quarter. Sit down in one of the many restaurants and breathe in the atmosphere of the city.
A beautiful park right next to the river. Favourite spot of the locals on a sunny afternoon.
Diergaarde Blijdorp, officially Rotterdam Zoo, is a zoo located in the northwestern part of Rotterdam.
The fifth SS Rotterdam, also known as "The Grande Dame", is a former ocean liner and cruise ship, and has been a hotel ship in Rotterdam,…
World Port Centre is a 33-storey, 123.1 m skyscraper in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
威廉姆斯大桥 是位于荷兰鹿特丹中部的一座斜拉桥,又称红桥,跨过新马斯河,邻近下游的伊拉斯谟桥。威廉姆斯桥以纪念荷兰国王威廉三世命名,全长318米,以其红色的涂装与下游的淡蓝色的伊拉斯谟桥交相辉映。
鹿特丹海事博物馆 是荷兰南荷兰省鹿特丹的一家海事博物馆。该馆于1873年由奥兰治-拿骚的亨德里克亲王 创建。该馆收藏有大量和海军历史以及航海有关的藏品。停泊在该馆东南侧港口的19世纪铁甲冲角舰荷兰皇家海军比费尔号 是该馆最吸引人的藏品之一。该馆和港口博物馆 相邻。
Beurs-World Trade Center is located on the Coolsingel and Beursplein in the centre of Rotterdam.
An astonishing staple of Rotterdam's modern architecture. The building looks like it's cracking at one side.
Seeing Rotterdam so little is a bizzare experience. Nevertheless, the little trains are sure fun - no matter your age!
鹿特丹大厦 是位于荷兰鹿特丹的一栋建筑,高度为149米,共有44层,总建筑面积约为160,000平方米,是荷兰最大的建筑。该建筑内部为办公室、酒店和公寓,由大都会建筑事务所于1998年设计,2009年开工,2013年底完工。