库巴清真寺 ,是伊斯兰教第一座清真寺,位于伊斯兰教第二大圣地麦地那 城外。库巴寺是由伊斯兰教创始人、先知穆罕默德 奠基,并亲自主持建造而成的。
Mosque of Al-Ghamamah is one of the oldest mosques in Medina, Saudi Arabia, located in the place believed to be where the Islamic prophet…
双朝向清真寺 是沙特阿拉伯第二圣地麦地那的一家清真寺,标志了穆斯林的祈祷朝向从耶路撒冷改为麦加天房的历史时刻。亦使清真寺有了两个米哈拉布。
King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an is a printing plant located in Medina, Saudi Arabia that publishes the Qur'an in…