圣母无染原罪主教座堂 是位于摩纳哥摩纳哥城的一座天主教主教座堂。许多格里马尔迪王朝名人都长眠在这里,为摩纳哥王室陵园,包括葛丽丝·凯莉和兰尼埃三世等。教堂建于1252年,是摩纳哥第一座教区教堂。
The Japanese Garden is a municipal park on the Avenue Princesse Grace, in the Larvotto ward of Monaco.
摩纳哥热带公园 是位于摩纳哥的一个植物园。摩纳哥热带公园开业于1933年,拥有超过千种多肉植物,特别是仙人掌类。
Monaco's only beach - surprisingly not crowded and well-equipped with facilities. Definitely stop by if you fancy a swim.
Saint-Charles Church is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo, the 16th-century Italian cardinal and archbishop.
金足奖 是一个授予年龄大于29岁的杰出足球运动员的国际足球奖项。该奖项旨在表彰球员取得的成绩、个人品德和公众及专家的尊重。
The Fort Antoine Theatre is a small amphitheatre on the Avenue de la Quarantaine in the Monaco-Ville ward of Monaco.
The Grimaldi Forum in Monaco is a conference and congress centre located on the seafront of Monaco's eastern beach quartier, Larvotto.