索苏斯盐沼 是位于纳米比亚纳米布沙漠纳米布-诺克卢福国家公园的一个盐盘旱湖,距离纳米比亚首都温得和克约500公里。它是纳米比亚最受欢迎的景点之一。
Sesriem is a small settlement in the Namib Desert, in the Hardap Region of Namibia, close to the southern end of the Naukluft Mountains.
Dune 45 is a star dune in the Sossusvlei area of the Namib Desert in Namibia.
处死湖 ,又名死亡谷或死亡湖沼,是西南非洲纳米比亚西南部纳米布-诺克卢福国家公园内的一个观光景点,位于索苏斯盐沼旁边。死亡谷有着著名的白色磐土层,坐拥已有数百年历史的老树枯骨遗迹,并与沙漠沙丘相连。
纳米布沙漠 是纳米比亚西部的一个沙漠,位于非洲最大的国家公园——纳米布—诺克陆夫国家公园内。沙漠面积50,000平方公里,位于纳米比亚长1,600公里 的大西洋海岸线,东西阔度由50-160公里…
The Cheetah Conservation Fund is a research and lobby institution in Namibia concerned with the study and sustenance of the country's…
霍巴陨铁 是在纳米比亚距离奥乔宗朱帕区的赫鲁特方丹不远的西霍巴农场的一颗陨石。它未曾被遮盖,但也因为它巨大的质量,也未曾从坠落的地点移动过。它的质量估计大约是60吨,并且是已知的陨石中最大的一颗 ,并且是地球表面上出现的最大自然铁块。
A White Lady is a type of female ghost, typically dressed in a white dress or similar garment.
The Hardap Dam is a dam close to Mariental in the Hardap Region of central Namibia.
埃托沙盐湖 ,是喀拉哈里沙漠中一片广大的内流盐湖,位处于纳米比亚北部。干燥的湖床最大长度为120公里。埃托沙盐湖作为纳米比亚最大的野生动物园之一埃托沙国家公园的一部分受到纳米比亚政府的保护。在湖南端的莫便尼树生长区,聚集了大群的大象。
A circle of latitude or line of latitude on Earth is an abstract east–west small circle connecting all locations around Earth at a given…
The Avis Dam is a dam outside of Windhoek, Namibia. It was built in 1933 by the South African colonial authorities.
A stunning private reserve that is home to a number of African animals. Offers private guided tours and even stargazing opportunities.
Heinitzburg is one of the three castles in Windhoek, Namibia. It was built in 1914 by architect Wilhelm Sander.Sander originally built the…
鲁阿卡纳瀑布 位于纳米比亚北部的库内纳河河道上,座标17°23′37″S 14°13′1″E。瀑布高度120米,阔度可达700米。埃普帕瀑布位于库内纳河下游135公里的安哥拉和纳米比亚边界上。
Schwerinsburg is the biggest of three castles in Windhoek, Namibia. Today it is the private residence of the Italian ambassador in Namibia.
Sanderburg is the smallest of three castles in Windhoek, Namibia. It was built between 1917 and 1919 by architect Wilhelm Sander who…
The Paraná-Etendeka traps comprise a large igneous province that includes both the main Paraná traps as well as the smaller severed…