内塞伯尔 是保加利亚的一座历史古城,今天则是布尔加斯州的一个沿海度假城市。在色雷斯语中的名称是Menebria、现代希腊语中的名称是Μεσημβρια ,旧名墨森布里亚 。内塞伯尔有着超过3000年的悠久历史,可说是一座城市博物馆。
圣索菲亚教堂 是位于保加利亚城市内塞伯尔的一座东正教教堂。圣索菲亚教堂被列为保加利亚百大旅游景点和世界文化遗产。教堂修建5世纪后期至6世纪初期,现在的外观则修建于9世纪初期。18世纪时教堂被废弃。
The Basilica of the Holy Mother of God Eleusa, Nesebar, is a former monastery church situated in the UNESCO World Heritage town of Nesebar…
The Church of St. John the Baptist is a cruciform church located in Nesebar, Bulgaria.
The Nesebar Archaeological Museum is a museum located in Nesebar, a town on the Black Sea coast of southeast Bulgaria.
While entering the Old Nessebar by a narrow isthmus, you can see a windmill. It is of simple shapes and considered a symbol of the town.