斯瓦扬布纳特 位于尼泊尔加德满都以西的加德满都谷地,是一座佛教寺庙,也是尼泊尔国家象征。又叫斯瓦扬布寺、四眼天神庙。
卡斯塔曼达珀 位于尼泊尔加德满都马鲁,是一座印度教庙宇,也是尼泊尔最大的塔式建筑之一。供奉着乔罗迦陀像。
斯瓦扬布纳特 位于尼泊尔加德满都以西的加德满都谷地,是一座佛教寺庙,也是尼泊尔国家象征。又叫斯瓦扬布寺、四眼天神庙。
Rani Pokhari meaning queen's pond, originally known as Nhu Pukhu meaning new pond, is a historic artificial pond located in the heart of…
Hiraṇyavarṇa Mahāvihāra, also Kwa Baha: informally called The Golden Temple with literal meaning "Gold-colored Great Monastery", is a…
Deerwalk Institute of Technology is a private college established in 2010 in collaboration between Nepalese entrepreneurs and the United…
扎基尔·侯赛因玫瑰园 是印度昌迪加尔 的一个植物园,占地30英亩 ,种植了1600个不同品种的5 万株玫瑰 以印度前总统扎基尔·侯赛因命名。于1967年,由昌迪加尔的第一任首席专员莫欣德·辛格·兰达瓦博士创建,是亚洲最大的玫瑰园。…
Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus is a constituent campus of Tribhuvan University located in Ghantaghar, Kathmandu.
Located at a distance of 500 metres from the Bagh Bhairav Temple, a temple where God Bhairav is in the form of Tiger, Kirtipur Hillside…