俄勒冈州议会大厦 是美国俄勒冈州议会的议会堂,同时还是该州政府、州务卿和财务官的办公场所。该议会大厦位于俄勒冈州首府塞勒姆。现存的建筑修建于1936至1938年,并在1977年进行了扩建,是俄勒冈州政府在塞勒姆的第三大驻地。在1855年和1935年,分别有两座前议会堂毁于火灾。
The Hallie Ford Museum of Art is the museum of Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, United States.
Salem Hospital is a non-profit, regional medical center located in Salem, Oregon, United States. Founded in 1896, the hospital has 454 beds.
The Oregon State Fair is the official state fair of the U.S. state of Oregon.
Ford Hall is a four-story academic hall at Willamette University in Salem in the U.S. state of Oregon.
Salem Pioneer Cemetery is a cemetery in Salem, Oregon, United States.
City View Cemetery is a privately owned cemetery in Salem, Oregon, United States that was established in 1893.
Cherriots, officially the Salem Area Mass Transit District, is a public transit operator based in Salem, Oregon, United States.
Oregon Pioneer, also known as Gold Man, is an eight-and-a-half ton bronze sculpture with gold leaf finish that sits atop the Oregon State…
沃尔多公园 是一处位于美国俄勒冈州塞勒姆市的公园,也是世界上面积最小的公园之一,只有3.7乘6.1米大。
Salem Hospital is a non-profit, regional medical center located in Salem, Oregon, United States. Founded in 1896, the hospital has 454 beds.