黄金之门或金门 是基辅罗斯 的古代城墙的一道城门,这个名字在现代亦被用在旁边的剧院。城门建于11世纪中叶,是基辅太子智者雅罗斯拉夫的三大建设之一。一般认为这门的设计参考了君士坦丁堡城墙的同名城门Porta…
Gigantic statue depicting the prince of Novgorod, a successful conqueror and the first Ukrainian statesman to convert to Christianity.
Lach Gates at Independence Square in Kyiv is a monument built in 2001 to commemorate one of the Medieval Kyiv city gates.
If you have grown up in Eastern Europe, you will probably remember this fairytale. Cute but nostalgic.
NASU Institute of Electrodynamics is a Ukraine leading science institution in field of electrical engineering, thermal power, and research…
NASU Institute of Electrodynamics is a Ukraine leading science institution in field of electrical engineering, thermal power, and research…
博格丹·赫梅利尼茨基纪念碑 是乌克兰基辅的一座纪念碑,纪念哥萨克酋长国首任酋长博格丹·赫梅利尼茨基。它建于1888年,是最古老的雕塑遗迹之一,位于索菲亚广场 的中央,也是这座城市的标志之一。它所在的轴线,两端分别是索菲亚主教座堂的钟楼和圣米歇尔修道院。