旧巴扎 是北马其顿共和国首都斯科普里的一处巴扎,也是巴尔干半岛上除了伊斯坦布尔之外最大的一处巴扎。它位于瓦尔达尔河东岸,自12世纪以来就是斯科普里的贸易和商业中心。现在旧巴扎的文化遗产得到北马其顿政府的保护。
Mustafa Pasha Mosque is an Ottoman-era mosque located in the Old Bazaar of Skopje, North Macedonia.
Kapan Han is a han in the Old Bazaar of Skopje, North Macedonia. It was built in the mid-15th century by Bosnian general Isa-Beg Isaković,…
The Mother Teresa Memorial House is dedicated to the Catholic saint and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mother Teresa.
斯科普里水道桥 是位于马其顿共和国斯科普里郊区的一个罗马帝国时期的水道桥遗迹。斯科普里水道桥是马其顿唯一的水道桥遗迹,也是前南斯拉夫地区三个水道桥遗迹中保存状况最好规模最大的一座水道桥。
The Suli An is a han in the Old Bazaar of Skopje, North Macedonia. It was built in the mid-15th century by Isa-Beg Isaković.
Cifte hammam is a hammam in the Old Bazaar of Skopje, North Macedonia.
Tumba is a Neolithic settlement located in the north-eastern part of Skopje, North Macedonia and it is the most significant Neolithic…
Nova International Schools is an independent, college preparatory, co-educational day school that offers an educational program from pre…
Nova International Schools is an independent, college preparatory, co-educational day school that offers an educational program from pre…