坟场 是死者遗体以及火葬遗物如骨灰所埋葬的地方。英文中的“cemetery”来源于希腊文κοιμητήριον,意为“睡觉的场所”。该词暗示此地块专用作埋葬地。在西方世界,坟场是为死者举行最后的纪念仪式的地方。这些仪式随着宗教信仰和文化实践的不同而互有差异。
A clergy house is the residence, or former residence, of one or more priests or ministers of religion.
A clergy house is the residence, or former residence, of one or more priests or ministers of religion.
A brickworks, also known as a brick factory, is a factory for the manufacturing of bricks, from clay or shale.