陶尔米纳古代剧场 是意大利西西里岛城市陶尔米纳的一座古希腊剧场,修建于公元前三世纪。这座剧场的直径达120米 。现在这座剧场仍然经常举办戏剧演出或音乐会。
陶尔米纳主教座堂 - 全名圣尼各老圣殿主教座堂 是意大利西西里大区墨西拿广域市陶尔米纳的主要礼拜场所,建于中世纪,位于陶尔米纳历史中心的主教座堂广场 ,沿着翁贝托大道 ,靠近卡塔尼亚门 。该堂属于天主教墨西拿-利帕里岛-圣卢恰德尔梅拉总教区的陶尔米纳总铎区,圣尼各老堂区。
Palazzo Corvaja is a medieval palace in Taormina, Sicily, Italy. It was principally built at the end of the 14th century and is named after…
A lovely garden standing on a cliff with splendid views of the sea on one side, and a view of old Taormina and its Greek Theatre on the…
A picturesque little village positioned on a majestic hilltop overlooking the seaside town of Taormina.
B&B Casarupilio offers a pretty flowery terrace overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and Mount Etna.