The Bibi-Khanym Mosque is one of the most important monuments of Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
萨曼王陵 也称伊斯马仪陵或伊斯马仪萨曼王陵 ,是萨曼王朝君主的陵墓,建于约10世纪左右,位于今乌兹别克斯坦的布哈拉。是中亚地区最古老的伊斯兰建筑。虽然名字带有伊斯玛仪·萨曼尼 的名字,但是否是他本人或纳斯尔二世 或是其它萨曼家族成员的陵墓还不清楚。
Shah-i-Zinda is a necropolis in the north-eastern part of Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
卡扬宣礼塔 是乌兹别克布哈拉卡扬广场上的宣礼塔,建于1127年,为布哈拉重要的地标。宣礼塔内部有螺旋状阶梯通往塔顶,基部则有由砖砌成的环纹与对角线纹等几何图案装饰,塔高45.6米,为布哈拉最高的塔,塔基部的直径长9米,顶部最窄处直径则为6米。
The Amir Timur Museum is located in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.
The Tashkent Television Tower is a 375-metre-high tower, located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and is the twelfth tallest tower in the world.
The Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan is the largest state art museum in Uzbekistan.
The Museum of Geology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan is a geology museum that shows and represents the wealth of mineral and geological resources…
Kukeldash Madrasah is a medieval madrasa in Tashkent, located close to Chorsu Bazaar and Chorsu Metro station.
克孜勒库姆沙漠 ,亦称克孜尔库姆沙漠、克齐尔库姆沙漠,是世界第十一大沙漠。克孜尔和库姆在突厥语族语言 中分别指红色和沙子。沙漠位于中亚阿姆河与锡尔河之间的河间地,包括哈萨克斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦和部分土库曼斯坦领土,总面积约为29.8万平方公里。
乌鲁伯格 一作兀鲁伯,幼名“穆罕默德·塔剌海”。是帖木儿帝国的苏丹,也是一位天文学家。他是帖木儿的孙子,沙哈鲁的长子。
Mirzachoʻl is a loess plain of some 10,000 km2 on the left bank of Syr Darya in Uzbekistan, extending from the mouth of Ferghana Valley on…
Andijan State University is a university in Andijan, eastern Uzbekistan. It was founded in 1939 as a branch of Fergana Pedagogical Institute.
The site of ancient settlement at Kanka, Uzbekistan, is located in 80 km southwest of Tashkent, in the southeastern outskirts of the…
The site of ancient settlement at Kanka, Uzbekistan, is located in 80 km southwest of Tashkent, in the southeastern outskirts of the…
Located in the city centre of Fergana, Hotel Asia Fergana features an outdoor swimming pool, a sauna, an on-site restaurant serving Asian…