法尼尔厅 是美国波士顿的一座历史建筑,靠近海滨和今天的政府中心。自从1742年,法尼尔厅就是一个市场和会议厅。塞缪尔·亚当斯等人曾在此发表演讲,宣传美国独立,脱离英国。这座建筑现在是波士顿国家历史公园的一部分,也是自由之路的一站。它有时被称为“自由的摇篮”。
哈佛大学 为一所本部坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市的私立研究型大学。其因历史、学术影响力、财富等因素而获评为世上最享负盛名的学府之一。
老南聚会所 是美国波士顿的一座教堂,位于下城十字 ,以1773年波士顿茶叶事件的组织地点而著称,当时有5,000名殖民地居民聚集在老南聚会所,这座当时波士顿最大的建筑物。
芬威球场 ,位于美国马萨诸塞州首府波士顿,是供棒球比赛使用的球场。目前为美国职棒大联盟波士顿红袜队的主场。此球场落成于1912年,为现今大联盟所使用中的最古老场地。
Bass Harbor Head Light is a lighthouse located within Acadia National Park in the southwest portion of Mount Desert Island, Maine, marking…
Nauset Light, officially Nauset Beach Light, is a restored lighthouse on the Cape Cod National Seashore near Eastham, Massachusetts,…
Race Point Light is a historic lighthouse on Cape Cod, in Provincetown, Massachusetts; it is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Victoria Mansion, also known as the Morse-Libby House or Morse-Libby Mansion, is a historic house in downtown Portland, Maine, United…
Fort William and Mary was a colonial fortification in Britain's worldwide system of defenses, defended by soldiers of the Province of New…
West Quoddy Head, in Quoddy Head State Park, Lubec, Maine, is the easternmost point of the contiguous United States.
鳕鱼角 ,或音译作科德角,是美国东北岸马萨诸塞州东南部伸入大西洋的一个海岬半岛,面积1033平方公里,邻近波士顿。当地的历史、海洋特色以及迷人的海滩在夏季吸引了大量游客。
Ida Lewis Lighthouse, which was formerly the Lime Rock Lighthouse, is in the Newport harbor in Rhode Island.
Fort Knox, now Fort Knox State Park or Fort Knox State Historic Site, is located on the western bank of the Penobscot River in the town of…
Wood End Light Lookout Station is a historic lighthouse, located at the southwest end of Long Point in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
The Hay and Owen Buildings are a pair of historic commercial buildings in Providence, Rhode Island.
The Burlington Breakwater Lights were originally established in 1857 to mark the ends of a low, detached, two piece breakwater 2⁄3-nautical…
Chatham Lighthouse, known as Twin Lights prior to 1923, is a lighthouse in Chatham, Massachusetts, near the "elbow" of Cape Cod.
Plum Beach Light, built in 1899, is a sparkplug lighthouse in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.
华盛顿桥 也称为 德文桥 是1号美国国道跨过豪萨托尼河的钢轴承开合吊桥,位于美国康乃狄克州,连接了米尔福德和斯特拉特福德。
The Taftsville Covered Bridge is a timber-framed covered bridge which spans the Ottauquechee River in the Taftsville village of Woodstock,…