以弗所又译爱菲索斯或艾菲索斯,天主教译厄弗所, 是古希腊人在小亚细亚建立的一个大城市,位于加斯他河注入爱琴海的河口 。最初由雅典殖民者建立。传说圣母玛利亚终老于此。以弗所废墟是土耳其一个著名的旅游点,特别为到土耳其旅游的人开辟从库萨达斯港的游船航线。
塞尔苏斯图书馆 是一座位于今土耳其西部伊兹密尔省塞尔丘克附近,即安纳托利亚以弗所的古罗马建筑。这座建筑物于公元110年代由罗马共和国的执政官提比留斯·尤利乌斯·阿奎拉·波莱米安努斯…
Kadifekale is a hilltop castle in İzmir, Turkey. The castle is located on the Mount Pagos which has an elevation of 186 metres.
The Izmir Archaeology Museum is an archeology museum in Izmir, Turkey, containing a number of artifacts from around the Gulf of Izmir.
Amazingly well-preserved ruins of the ancient Greek city. Take the funicular up and explore the site on your way down.
士麦那,或译士每拿,天主教译斯米纳, 曾是一座位于安纳托利亚半岛爱琴海滨的一座古希腊城市,当时是古希腊的中心与战略要地。1930年后,在该地新建的现代化城市则被命名为伊兹密尔 ,乃土耳其化的名称。士麦那因得天独厚的港口条件、易守难攻的地形以及与内陆的良好连结而闻名。
İzmir Wildlife Park is a non-profit zoo in İzmir, Turkey. It was opened on 30 November 2008 following the closure of the İzmir Zoo.
The "Red Basilica", also called variously the Red Hall and Red Courtyard, is a monumental ruined temple in the ancient city of Pergamon,…