Colle di Nava is a mountain pass in the Province of Imperia in Italy. It is located on the main chain of the Alps and connects Ormea and the…
Sanremo Casino is a gambling and entertainment complex located in Sanremo, on the Italian Riviera.
The Ariston Theatre is a theatre in Sanremo, Italy. It has been the venue of the annual Sanremo Music Festival competitions since 1977.
The Villa Regina Margherita di Savoia is a museum site on the via Romana of Bordighera in Riviera in province of Imperia.
Sanremo Casino is a gambling and entertainment complex located in Sanremo, on the Italian Riviera.
The church of Saint Mary Magdalene is a church located in Piazza del Popolo in the centre of Bordighera on the Riviera in Province of…
阿普里卡莱 ,是意大利因佩里亚省的一个市镇。总面积19.68平方公里,人口578人,人口密度29.4人/平方公里 。ISTAT代码为008002。
Celtis australis, commonly known as the European nettle tree, Mediterranean hackberry, lote tree, or honeyberry, is a deciduous tree native…
The Sanremo Music Festival 1990 was the 40th annual Sanremo Music Festival, held at the Teatro Palafiori in Sanremo, province of Imperia,…
The church of Sant'Ampelio is located on Cape Sant'Ampelio, at the end of the "Promenade Argentina" in Bordighera in Liguria, Italy.
The church of the Immaculate Conception, officiated by the Frati Minori Francescani, is at via Vittorio Emanuele 75, in Bordighera,…
弗龙泰山 ,是意大利的山峰,位于该国西北部,由利古里亚大区负责管辖,属于利古里亚阿尔卑斯山脉的一部分,海拔高度2,152米,每年平均降雨量1,460毫米。
Monte Bignone is a mountain in Liguria, northern Italy, part of the Ligurian Alps. It is located in the province of Imperia near Sanremo.
Monte Grammondo is a mountain in Liguria, northern Italy, part of the Alps.