亚历山德里亚 ,是美国弗吉尼亚州的独立市,位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区以南约6英里波托马克河畔。由于非常接近美国首都,因此亚历山德里亚 的居民大多就职于联邦政府部门、军队或为这些部门提供服务的私人公司,其中最大的雇主是美国国防部。
乔治·华盛顿共济会国家纪念堂 是一座共济会建筑,位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区郊区,弗吉尼亚州的亚历山德里亚。纪念第一任美国总统、共济会会员乔治·华盛顿。塔楼模仿古代埃及的亚历山大灯塔。纪念堂高333-英尺 ,座落在射手山山顶, Callahan Drive 101号.…
亚历山德里亚 ,是美国弗吉尼亚州的独立市,位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区以南约6英里波托马克河畔。由于非常接近美国首都,因此亚历山德里亚 的居民大多就职于联邦政府部门、军队或为这些部门提供服务的私人公司,其中最大的雇主是美国国防部。
Gadsby's Tavern is a complex of historic buildings at 134 and 138 North Royal Street at the corner of Cameron Street in the Old Town…
The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Shop/Museum is a historic apothecary's shop in Alexandria, Virginia, that has been preserved as a museum.
Christ Church is an Episcopal church located at 118 North Washington Street, with an entrance at 141 North Columbus Street, in Alexandria,…
Carlyle House is a historic mansion in Alexandria, Virginia, United States, built by Scottish merchant John Carlyle from 1751 to 1752 in…
The Basilica of Saint Mary in the Old Town Old and Historic District, of Alexandria, Virginia, and is a minor basilica and parish church of…
Northern Virginia Community College is a public community college composed of six campuses and four centers in the Northern Virginia…
Bishop Ireton High School is a Roman Catholic high school located in Alexandria, Virginia, less than one mile from Old Town Alexandria.
The Little Theatre of Alexandria is a community theatre located at 600 Wolfe Street in Alexandria, Virginia.