Sedan Castle is a castle situated in Sedan, France, near the river Meuse. Covering an area of 35,000 square metres in its seven floors.
Montcornet Castle is a castle in the commune of Montcornet in the Ardennes département of France.
Ouvrage La Ferté, also known as Ouvrage Villy-La Ferté, is a petit ouvrage of the Maginot Line, located in the Fortified Sector of Montmédy…
The École royale du génie de Mézières was a military engineering school in what is now Charleville-Mézières, France.
默兹河 ,也称马斯河 ,是一条是西欧的重要河流,流过荷兰、德国、比利时和法国多国的工业区。默兹河发源于法国大东部大区上马恩省朗格勒高原,流经比利时,最终以荷兰为出海口,注入北海。默兹河和莱茵河口连成三角洲,全长925公里,
色当会战 为普法战争之中最具决定性的一场战役,发生于1870年9月1日,结果为法军惨败、德军大获全胜,大量法军被俘,连法皇拿破仑三世本人亦沦为阶下囚。虽然德军仍需要与即时重组的法国政府作战,但此战实际上已经决定了在普法战争中普鲁士及其盟军的胜利。
Ouvrage La Ferté, also known as Ouvrage Villy-La Ferté, is a petit ouvrage of the Maginot Line, located in the Fortified Sector of Montmédy…
The Jardin botanique de Sedan is a botanical garden and city park located on Philippoteaux Avenue beside the Place d'Alsace-Lorraine, Sedan…
Enercoop is a French electric utility cooperative company. It uses only renewable energy and is the only electric utility in France to be a…