Santa Justa Elevator是里斯本唯一的垂直公共电梯,高45米。这种玻璃和金属结构由Raoul Mesnier du Ponsard设计,装饰精美,具有新哥特式特征。它于1902年完工,不仅一直在运转,在2002年时,还被列为国家纪念碑系列。
贸易广场(Praça do Comércio)是一个巨大的海滨广场,1755年大地震前,皇宫就位于这个广场之前。它是里斯本最著名的广场之一,靠近塔霍河,是它最美丽的地方之一。
杰罗姆派修道院,如从葡萄牙语音译为热罗尼莫斯修道院 是位于葡萄牙里斯本贝伦区的华丽宏伟的修道院,可以说是在里斯本最为突出的古迹,在曼努埃尔式建筑中最为成功的一例。1983年与附近的贝伦塔搭档被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。该修道院的修女发明了葡式蛋挞。
尖石宫 是葡萄牙里斯本的一座历史建筑。位于阿尔法玛区,兴建于16世纪,有一个奇怪的立面,受文艺复兴和曼纽风格的影响。它是历经1755年里斯本大地震而幸存的少数建筑之一。
Time Out Market Lisboa is a food hall located in the Mercado da Ribeira at Cais do Sodré in Lisbon, Portugal.
贝伦宫 曾是葡萄牙君主的王宫,共和国成立后,改为葡萄牙总统官邸。它位于贝伦区的山丘上,面临阿方索·德·阿尔布克尔克广场,靠近贝伦历史中心和热罗尼莫斯修道院,以及特茹河岸边。
马夫拉宫 是一座巨大的巴洛克和意大利化的新古典主义宫殿-修道院,位于葡萄牙的马夫拉,由于其极为庞大的规模,使得小城相形见绌。据称葡萄牙修建这座宫殿是要与马德里郊外的西班牙王宫埃斯科里亚尔修道院竞争,但是更像是迎合梵蒂冈的权势,修道院类似教宗的官邸。2019年作为“马夫拉皇室建筑…
The Fortress of Saint James of Sesimbra is a fortress located in the parish of Santiago in the coastal town and municipality of Sesimbra,…
The Monastery of Jesus is a historical religious building in Setúbal, Portugal, which served a monastery of Poor Clare nuns.
Castelo de Pirescoxe is a castle in Portugal. It is situated in the parish of Santa Iria de Azóia, Loures, Lisbon District.
The Fort of São Teodósio da Ponta do Cavalo is a coastal fort located in a dominant position at the extreme west of the Bay of Sesimbra in…
The Palace of the High Courier of Loures, is a palatial residence in the civil parish of Loures, in the municipality of the same name in…
The Roman Bridge of Catribana is located near the village of Catribana in the parish of São João das Lampas, in the municipality of Sintra…
The Roman Bridge of Catribana is located near the village of Catribana in the parish of São João das Lampas, in the municipality of Sintra…
A limestone pavement is a natural karst landform consisting of a flat, incised surface of exposed limestone that resembles an artificial…
A limestone pavement is a natural karst landform consisting of a flat, incised surface of exposed limestone that resembles an artificial…
The Roman Bridge of Catribana is located near the village of Catribana in the parish of São João das Lampas, in the municipality of Sintra…