吉马良斯城堡 位于葡萄牙吉马良斯,是一座10世纪城堡,保护修道院免受穆斯林以及诺曼人的攻击。被称为“葡萄牙的摇篮”。
The Ducal Palace of the Braganza or Palace of the Dukes of Braganza is a medieval estate and former residence of the first Dukes of…
Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira is a collegiate church in Guimarães, Portugal. It is classified as a National Monument.
The Citânia de Briteiros is an archaeological site of the Castro culture located in the Portuguese civil parish of Briteiros São Salvador e…
The Castle of Lanhoso is a medieval castle located in civil parish of Póvoa de Lanhoso, municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso, Portuguese…
石头屋 是一座人造建筑,位于葡萄牙北部大区塞洛里库-迪巴什图和法菲之间。石头屋由四块大石头建造的,这些石头分别构成房子的地基、墙壁和天花板。石头屋位于风力发电厂附近,但石头屋本身没有电力供应。由于其不同寻常以及与周围自然环境融合的设计,石头屋已成为一个旅游景点。